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Palraco: uw partner in stockagemateriaal

Palraco, een familiebedrijf, werd in 2002 opgericht. De naam staat voor PALets, RAcks en COntainers.

Palraco biedt een uitgebreide waaier van oplossingen op gebied van stapeling, behandeling en intern transport van uw producten aan, zoals:

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tags: Bouwomheiningen – Materiaalcontainers – Stapelbak Magazijninrichting – Magazijnbak – Stapelpallet – 

Wenst u meer info over europallet kijk dan vlug op | houten pallet met afmetingen en specificaties die door de European Pallet Association vastgelegd zijn

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there are primarily two groups of block pallets used in europe europallet zijn zeer gewild The first style of block pallet is the x european pool pallet. This pallet is a standardized block pallet introduced by the european railroads after world war ii. This is the only pallet that should be referred to as a europallet . These pallets are produced by licensed manufactures and bear the eur logo. If it doesn t have the euro symbol on the pallet it is not a euro pallet. The second is a group of nine distinctive pallets that were adopted by the european chemical industry. These pallets are referred to as cp pallets and are stenciled cp through cp accordingly. The marking of wooden pallets can be done in roughly two ways .the inkjet method it is only suitable for marking larger quantities of pallets because of its initial investment cost. .the die burning method. A steel die holder with exchangable numbers and letter is mounted on heating element. Heating can.

Inlichtingen over Europallet

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